Water analysis
We are your reliable and experienced partner for the topic of water analysis with an official accreditation and a competent team.

The accreditation refers to tests in the areas of:
Tests according to the German Drinking Water Regulation (TrinkwV) (with the exception of radioactive substances)
Sampling and analysis of raw and drinking water, wastewater, groundwater, surface water, bathing and pool water, technical water, and other aqueous matrices as well as various solids such as sludges, sediments, soils, soil gas, waste and substances for recycling.
NEW! Since 2022 accredited analysis of PFAS in drinking water
To ensure comparable and reproducible measurement results, the analysis is carried out according to recognized national and international procedures (DEV, DIN, ISO).
We are here for you.
Contact our laboratory team and we will find a suitable solution for your analysis project.
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For applications and inquiries regarding job vacancies, please use our career portal only.

Analytical laboratory of SGL
Test orders for download
Further analysis services of the SGL laboratory:
We are here for you.
Contact our laboratory team and we will find a suitable solution for your analysis project.
Contact form
This is the shortest way to get in touch with us directly. Our employees will answer you as quickly as possible. The fields marked with * are mandatory.
For applications and inquiries regarding job vacancies, please use our career portal only.