PFAS analysis
In our environmental laboratory we offer the analysis of PFAS connections and the determination of limit values.

Determination of PFAS limit values
The amendment to the Drinking Water Ordinance sets precise limits for perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) for the first time, thus transposing the European Union's Drinking Water Directive into national law. The limit value for the 20 substances is 0.10 µg/l in total.
To determine these new limits, SGL's Analytical Laboratory in Lübbenau/Spreewald OT Kittlitz has implemented and accredited an HPLC-MS for analyses of PFAS compounds, investigations of glyphosate, AMPA as well as pesticides and biocidal active ingredients since 2022.
What are PFAS?
Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances, which are water- and grease-repellent, therefore industrially used in many ways (e.g. telfon, outdoor clothing, fire extinguishing foam, paper cups, etc.) They are thermally and chemically very stable, therefore extremely long-lived in the environment, which leads to the accumulation in many organisms (humans, animals, plants).
Which PFAS do we offer?
- (others on request)
Background information
Further information can be found in the ARD documentary.
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Contact our laboratory team and we will find a suitable solution for your analysis project.
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Analytical laboratory of SGL
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Further analysis services of the SGL laboratory:
We are here for you.
Contact our laboratory team and we will find a suitable solution for your analysis project.
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